Accessibility Standards Canada: Accessibility Plan - Feedback process

We value the lived experience of people with disabilities. We welcome feedback from our employees, stakeholders and the public.

Feedback you can submit

You can submit feedback about the Accessibility Plan or any other barriers you experience when dealing with Accessibility Standards Canada. We welcome your feedback on the accessibility of our:

  • services
  • office
  • website
  • support to technical committee members and the Board of Directors


If you wish to remain anonymous, you do not have to include your name when submitting your feedback. We will share your feedback only with those employees directly involved in improving accessibility at Accessibility Standards Canada.

How we will use your feedback

Your feedback will be used to:

  • advance the objectives in our plan; and
  • improve our overall accessibility.

All feedback will be taken seriously. Your feedback will be included in our progress reports, published in the years between our updated accessibility plans.

How to submit feedback

To submit your feedback about our Accessibility Plan or any other barriers you experience when dealing with Accessibility Standards Canada, please use one of the methods below.

We will acknowledge all accessibility feedback we receive within 48 hours, except for feedback shared anonymously.


Submit your feedback online


Send us an email




Accessibility Standards Canada
320, St-Joseph Boulevard
Suite 246
Gatineau, QC K1A 0H3