Service standards for the Advancing Accessibility Standards Research program


For more information about these service standards or any questions, please contact us by e-mail.

Service standards are a public commitment to a level of service. They set clear expectations and help ensure accountability.

Accessibility Standards Canada has set the following service standards for the delivery of its funding program.

These standards are what funding applicants can reasonably expect. They apply only under normal (business as usual) conditions. They do not apply in the event of holidays or situations outside our control, such as natural disasters or system outages.

Acknowledging an expression of interest


We will acknowledge receipt of a signed expression of interest within 10 business days of the date it was received. This standard applies only if the signed expression of interest:

  • is submitted directly to Accessibility Standards Canada, and
  • is received before the deadline stated in the call for proposals.


We will meet this standard 90% of the time.

Acknowledging an application for funding


We will acknowledge receipt of a signed application for funding within 10 business days of the date it was received.

This standard applies only if the signed application:

  • is submitted directly to Accessibility Standards Canada, and
  • is received before the deadline stated in the invitation to submit an application.


We will meet this standard 90% of the time.

Communicating a funding decision


We will provide written notification of our funding decision within 60 business days* of receiving a fully complete application. A fully complete application meets all the requirements for funding. This period begins on:

  • the application deadline or closing date, or
  • the date on which we receive the application (for programs with no deadline).

For this standard to apply:

  • We must receive the application before the deadline stated in the call for proposals, if any.
  • The application must be complete, per the program requirements.

*The 60 days does not include the period for submitting an expression of interest.


We will meet this standard 90% of the time.

Issuing of payments


Once funding is approved, we will issue the first payment no later than 40 business days after the funding agreement is signed and all payment conditions have been met, if any. These conditions are outlined in the funding agreement.


We are aligned with the Government of Canada’s fiscal year. It begins on April 1 and ends on March 31 of the next calendar year. In some cases, funding approval may have been given to activities that will not be taking place until the next fiscal year (that is, after March 31). In that event, the start date for this service standard will begin on April 1.


We will meet this standard 90% of the time.

Performance results

Please note that some projects may be reporting service standards in different fiscal years, depending on the start date of the project.

Service standardWithin 10 business days, we will acknowledge receipt of an expression of interest.Within 10 business days, we will acknowledge receipt of a funding application.We will communicate a funding decision within 60 business days.We will issue the first payment within 40 business days.
Target90% of the time90% of the time90% of the time90% of the time
Fiscal year 2023 to 2024 results100%100%100%99%
Fiscal year 2024 to 2025 resultsN/AN/AN/AN/A