Feedback form - CAN-ASC-3.1 Plain Language: Public review draft


On this page you can read instructions for how to give feedback on our draft standard on plain language. You will also find descriptions of your options on how to give feedback, and the links to each of those options.

Note that information in the online form is not being saved. Be sure that you either save your work elsewhere, or submit all your comments at the same time.

All links on this page will open in another window to ensure that information provided in the form below is not lost.

Please read all the instructions before leaving your comments.

Read the full standard

Deadline to submit suggestions


What type of feedback is expected?

We are asking for your feedback and suggestions on the draft standard. Suggestions can be:

  1. Editorial such as spelling, grammar, formatting and accessibility
  2. Technical such as dimensions or application of the standard
  3. General comments on the overall standard or a section such as things that are missing.

For each suggestion, you need to include 5 things: 4 are required and 1 is optional:

  1. The section number (required)
  2. What we should change (required)
  3. What we should change it to (required)
  4. Why you think we should change it (required)
  5. Any related files you want to share 

How to prepare your suggestions

  1. Choose a way to keep track of your ideas for suggestions that happen as you read the standard (paper and pen, computer, recording, etc.).
  2. Access the standard and read it.
  3. If you find something that you think should be changed, then keep track of the section number (e.g., because you will need it when you fill out the form. 
  4. For each suggestion you want to submit, also include: 
    1. what you think should be in the standard instead and 
    2. why you think that. 
  5. Decide if you will use the online form or the downloadable suggestion form to share your suggestions (this is described in the How to submit your suggestions section).
    1. You can add audio, video and other files in either form.

Personal information collection statement

Please read this statement to understand how we use your personal information.  

Personal information collection statement

We collect your name, postal code, contact information, and demographic information for two reasons:

  1. To understand how the draft standard may need to be changed to better meet the needs of people in different parts of Canada. 
  2. In some cases, we will use this information to contact you to learn more about your suggestion. This will only happen if you agree to let us contact you.

Answering the demographic information questions is optional. Accessibility Standards Canada asks these questions because it knows that people have different experiences and face different barriers depending on who they are. Accessibility Standards Canada wants to develop standards that address barriers faced by all Canadians. 

The authority to collect information contained on this form for the purposes described above is provided under the authority of the Accessible Canada Act. Your personal information will be managed in accordance with the Privacy Act. The Privacy Act and other laws protect your personal information. You have the right to access and correct this information. 

Your right to privacy and control of your information

We follow rules about the information we can collect from you and save. The personal information that can be collected is described in the “Outreach Activities PSU 938” Personal Information Bank

You can find instructions on how to learn about personal information saved about you at: Treasury Board of Canada “Information about programs and information holdings”.

The personal information that you provide is protected under Canada’s Privacy Act. Under the Privacy Act, you have the right to access your personal information and request changes to information that is incorrect.

You have the right to file a complaint with the Privacy Commissioner of Canada regarding the institutions’ handling of your personal information at: Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada.

How to submit your suggestions

You can submit your suggestions on the CAN-ASC-3.1 Plain Language: Public review draft in by:

  1. Using our online form.
  2. Downloading a PDF form.
  3. Downloading a Word form.
  4. Contacting us by email to request an alternate format.

You can submit as many forms as you choose.

Using the online form 

We recommend this option if:

  1. HTML is the most accessible option for you, or
  2. if you plan to submit all your comments in one sitting, or
  3. if you are submitting your suggestions by video.

To use this form, please fill out the online form below.

  • The online form allows up to 10 comments. 
  • The online form cannot be saved to be finished at another sitting. It is designed to be completed and submitted in one sitting. 
    • Submit the form with completed suggestions at the end of each sitting, and start a new form at your next sitting. 
  • Please note that each file that is uploaded on the online suggestion form must be less than 1 GB.

Using the PDF form

We recommend this option if:

  1. PDF is the most accessible option for you, or
  2. if you need the option to save your work, and you have 10 or fewer comments to submit.

To use this form, please download and fill out the PDF form. Please submit your form and any related files by email to

  • The PDF option allows up to 10 suggestions. 
  • The PDF may work differently depending on your browser and PDF reader. Please contact us if you have any difficulties.  

Using the Word form

We recommend this option if:

  1. .docx files are the most accessible option for you, or
  2. if you need the option to save your work and you have many comments to submit.

To use this form, please download and fill out the Word form. Please submit your form and any related files by email to

  • The Word format allows any number of comments.
  • Please maintain the format of the form when responding, to ensure your comments are easy to read.

Online suggestion form

Below is the online suggestion form. If you prefer to send your suggestions by email, download a form instead.

Information in the online form is not being saved

There is no feature to save your work in the online form. Be sure that you either save your work elsewhere, or submit all your comments at the same time.

Please note that all links on this page will open in another window to ensure that information provided in the form below is not lost.

Status message

Sorry… This form is closed to new submissions.