Technical committees: Why do we need them?

Infographic that outlines why we need technical committees. The full text is available below, on this page



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We develop accessibility standards that reflect the needs and perspectives of Canadians with disabilities.

Accessibility standards need input from the public. Technical committees provide expertise and knowledge from a variety of backgrounds, especially people with lived experience of disabilities.

Technical committees create accessibility standards. Over 6 million Canadians are living with disabilities. Standards help remove and prevent barriers to accessibility.

What are standards?

Standards ensure the reliability of what you are using. Accessibility standards ensure that all Canadians, including people with disabilities, can access the products and services they need.

For example: there are standards for food preparation and transportation safety to make sure that your food is safe to eat, and that your vehicles are safe to drive.

Why are standards important?

Accessibility standards make it easier to access services. Federal organizations need to ensure no accessibility barriers will prevent people from using their services.

Standards also show us how to prevent accessibility barriers.

What do accessibility standards look liked?

Think about your building…

Would you be able to enter if you had a sensitivity to chemicals?

Could you find your way through it if you were blind?

Our committees will create standards that help Canadians find the best way to use federal services online, in-person, and however else they can.


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