Minutes of the Board of Directors’ Regular Meeting – February 9 to 11, 2022


Members of the Board of Directors (the Board):

  • Me Paul-Claude Bérubé, Chairperson
  • Mary Reid, Vice-Chairperson
  • William Adair, Director
  • Kory Earle, Director
  • Maureen Haan, Director
  • Penny Hartin, Director
  • Brad McCannell, Director
  • Dr. Joe McLaughlin, Director
  • Laurie Ringaert, Director

Accessibility Standards Canada Public Officers:

  • Philip Rizcallah, Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
  • Philipe Sarrazin, Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Director General, Corporate Services
  • Dino Zuppa, Senior Director, Standards and Grants and Contributions
  • Maggie Saunders, Director, Intergovernmental Affairs
  • Micah Walter, Senior Policy Analyst, Intergovernmental Affairs
  • Jacques Falardeau, Manager, Stakeholder Engagement
  • Daname Gogue, Manager, Grants and Contributions
  • Martine Bareil, Manager, Communications
  • Andrea Podruski, Senior Policy Analyst, Standards Development
  • Christopher Collmorgen, Senior Policy Analyst, Stakeholder Engagement
  • Christopher Coulson, Policy Analyst, Stakeholder Engagement
  • Stuart McGregor, Policy Analyst, Stakeholder Engagement
  • Jasmine Desloges, Coordinator, Governance and Reporting
  • Anthony Jolicoeur, Coordinator, Governance and Reporting


Wednesday, February 9, 2022

1. Welcoming remarks and roll call

The meeting opened with a roll call and words of welcome from the Chairperson.

27-1 Motion presented and seconded to open the meeting at 12:00 p.m. EST.

Carried by all.

2. Land acknowledgement

Maggie Saunders presented a land acknowledgement in honour of Indigenous peoples of the National Capital Region, from where she was participating in the virtual meeting.

3. Board meeting agenda

Document 3A: Proposed agenda

27-2 Motion presented and seconded to approve the agenda of the Board of Directors’ regular meeting held on February 9 to 11, 2022, as presented.

Carried by all.

4. Get to know me

Director Laurie Ringaert shared a summary of her life and work experience with her fellow Board members.

5. Minutes of Board meetings: December 8-10, 2021 and January 6, 2022

Document 5A: Regular Board meeting minutes (December 8-10, 2021)
Document 5B: Special Board meeting minutes (January 6, 2022)

27-3 Motion presented and seconded to approve the minutes of the Board of Directors' regular meeting held on December 8 to 10, 2021, with modification to mention on page 26 that the meeting was held “virtually” from Ottawa, as presented on February 9, 2022.

Carried by all.

27-4 Motion presented and seconded to approve the minutes of the Board of Directors' special meeting held on January 6, 2022, with modification to remove the level of reading on page 3, as presented on February 9, 2022.

Carried by all.

6. Business arising

Document 6A: Board motion and action item list

At the previous Board meeting, the Chairperson asked that the document 6A be made user friendly. The new version of the document was presented by Anthony Jolicoeur.

The Board requested that the order of the motions be reversed so that it starts with the most recent entry for easier reference. Revised version will be presented at the following Board meeting.

7. Correspondence

There was no item to report.

8. Chairperson’s Update

The Chairperson highlighted two areas for further discussion by the Board at a future Board meeting:

  • Increasing familiarity of the organization and its mandate by stakeholders and the Canadian public;
  • Increasing opportunities for Board members to contribute to the organization.

It was reported that a brief report will be shared with all Board members on the outcome of meetings between the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and the CEO via the Friday Board emails. Distribution time for these reports may vary depending on scheduling of meetings.

Board members received the third version of the e-binder. Steps have been taken to provide a shared platform for documents for access by all parties.

9. CEO’s update

Document 9A: CEO report
Document 9B: 3-year strategic plan

The CEO presented the main activities from his report. All activities are linked to the 3-year rolling strategic plan to highlight the organization’s progress.

Steps will be taken to involve Board members to discuss outreach initiatives with groups impacted by the standards. The Board of Directors will be reaching out to local groups when Board meetings resume in person across the country.

Future discussion at the next regular Board meeting will involve the use of plain language for documents that accompany standards. Board members will also consider if the use of plain language documents by various groups responds to their needs.

A consultant will be hired to train staff and make a presentation to all technical committee members. This initiative will clarify the requirements of standards development. Future presentations will be made to the Board on the process of co-branding in the development of standards, as well as the requirements for standards to be approved by the Minister.

10. Generative discussion

Director Penny Hartin led the discussion on the topic of “Universal design vs purpose specific products”. Board members gave their feedback on both concepts.

11. CFO’s update

Document 12A: Financial report
Document 12B : Risk management report

It was recommended that the Financial report (document 12A) be presented on Day 1 and the Risk management report (document 12B) be presented on Day 2. All Board members agreed.

The CFO, Philipe Sarrazin, presented the results at the end of Quarter 3, which therefore includes the two first quarters as well. The quarterly financial report will be available on the organization’s website at the end of the month. The Human Resources expenses, which include salaries, are now presented in real-time (no longer behind by one quarter) which explains the steeper increase compared to Quarter 2. A summary of the Travel and per diem payment update was also provided.

All grants and contributions program funding is taken into account in the budget expenditures. The financial planning capacity of the organization is increasing and we will be on par with more established departments in that regard. The business cycle will be documented and will reflect all recurring activities during the year. This will allow for more efficient management of resources and managers’ time. Initial planning for 2022-2023 will reflect expected lapses.

12. Grants and contributions update

Document 14A: Grants and contributions – Highlights and overview

A summary of the highlights and overview of the grants and contributions program was made by Dino Zuppa, Senior Director. The application form for the program is being revised to obtain adequate information from the applicants.

The organization is developing a Centre of expertise to provide descriptions of the funded projects and other related information, including summaries. Information on the standards will be posted. Board members will receive this information prior to publication.

The organization now has six final projects. Summaries of the research is underway.

13. Areas for 2022-2023 grants and contributions program: Solicited call

Document 15A: Briefing note

Dino Zuppa reported that the solicited call for the grants and contributions program could start in April 2022 if approved by the Board.

A new way to create applications for the grants and contributions program will be presented at the next Board meeting. Priority areas have been identified through consultations. They are aligned with the priority areas listed in the Accessible Canada Act. The five areas are:

  • built environment including acoustics;
  • design and delivery of programs and services including employment
  • information and communication technologies;
  • procurement of goods, services, and facilities; and
  • retrofit of existing facilities, including non-traditional work environments.

More information will be provided to Board members to support the gaps analyses.

27-5 Due to time constraint, a motion was presented to pursue this item on Day 3.

Carried by all.

14. Concluding remarks

The Chairperson informed Board members that the Vice-Chairperson will preside over the meeting for Day 2 during his absence.

15. Adjournment

27-6 Motion presented to adjourn the meeting at 4:15 p.m.

Carried by all.

Thursday, February 10, 2022

16. Welcoming remarks and roll call

The meeting opened with a roll call and words of welcome from the Vice-Chairperson, presiding for the Chairperson.

27-7 Motion presented and seconded to open the meeting at 12:00 p.m.

Carried by all.

17. Land acknowledgement

Director Brad McCannell presented a land acknowledgement in honour of Indigenous peoples of the province of British Columbia, from where he was participating in the virtual meeting.

18. Standards development report

Document 20A: Update on standards development

Dino Zuppa presented a table outlining the standards under development with timeframes. The first public review of selected standards will happen during the summer, including the co-branded standards. Board members will be informed which standards are ready prior to public review.

The acoustic standard will be incorporated into the built environment standard. Many applications were received for the emergency measures and signage-wayfinding technical committees.

A review of terminology will be considered such as “intersectionality framework”, “disability justice”, and “disability management system”.

19. Revised terms of reference of technical committees

Document 21A: Briefing note
Document 21B: Revised terms of reference

Dino Zuppa presented the revised terms of reference for technical committees, which meet the requirements of an accredited organization. To maintain accreditation, the Standards Council of Canada reviews if the Board has approved the terms and conditions of the accreditation in the development of standards.

In the revised terms of reference there is an important element for the organization to develop national standards for Canada and eventually internationally; there is also a need for input from stakeholders and Canadians into priorities.

27-8 Motion presented and seconded to approve the revised terms of reference for technical committees as presented on February 10, 2022, with the following modifications:

  • On page 2, second section, to add: Standards must be presented following the mandatory template.
  • On page 6, under section “Scope of Work”, 5th bullet point, to eliminate the term “dispose of ”;
  • On page 6, under section “Scope of Work”, bottom of the page, replace beginning of sentence with “The committee must ensure the active and inclusive participation …”.

Carried by all.

20. Procurement standard update

Document 22A: Briefing Note – Procurement standard update
Document 22B: Technical committee on accessibility requirements for ICT products and services – Terms of reference

Dino Zuppa presented the terms of reference for the creation of a new technical committee on accessibility requirements for information and communication technology products and service, known as the European Harmonised Standard EN 301 549. This standard is supported by over 75 countries. The work of this new committee is tied to the Procurement standard, which was approved by the Board in December 2020.

The technical committee would review this standard’s merits and apply any necessary modifications based on public review. It would follow the same process as other standards.

27-9 Motion presented and seconded that the Board approves the terms of reference for the Technical Committee on Accessibility Requirements for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Products and Services to review the Harmonised European Standard EN 301 549: Accessibility Requirements for ICT Products and Services, as presented on February 10, 2022.

Carried by all.

21. Internal affairs committee update

Document 23A: Committee report

The Chair of the Internal Affairs Committee, Dr. Joe McLaughlin, gave an overview of the latest and future activities of the Committee. Specific responsibilities are led by the following Board members: Director Reid is the lead for the strategic plan of the organization; Director Haan is the lead for the performance appraisal of the CEO; Director Ringaert is the lead for the performance appraisal of the Board; and Director McLaughlin is the lead for Governance policies and oversees all the work of the Committee. The next meeting of the Committee will be held at the end of February.

22. Update: Strategic plan

Document 25A: Briefing note

The Vice-Chairperson, Mary Reid, informed Board members that the Strategic Plan was last approved in February 2020. The Internal Affairs Committee recommends that a new plan is required as the organization moves into the next stage of the mandate, to meet the goals outlined in the Roadmap to 2040.

The Committee recommended that external expertise be obtained to assist in the development of the new plan, although the Committee would lead the process. For operational reasons, the work will not commence for approximately six months. The briefing note 25A outlines the steps to complete the whole process.

27-10 Motion presented and seconded that the Board approves obtaining professional services outside the organization to help develop a new strategic plan for Accessibility Standards Canada in accordance with Accessibility Standards Canada procurement policy, as presented on February 10, 2022.

Carried by all.

23. Board assessment report outcome

Document 26A: Briefing note
Document 26B: Board self-evaluation report

Director Ringaert gave an overview of the process involved in the preparation of the Board self-evaluation report. This was the Board’s first self-evaluation. The outcome of the report will support future Board evaluations.

Board members proceeded to provide their feedback on the Board self-evaluation report.

27-11 Motion presented and seconded that the Board approves the Internal Affairs Committee’s proposed next steps and returns to the Board at a future meeting with recommendations and an action plan for Board approval, as presented on February 10, 2022. The four steps are:

  • February discussion at the Board meeting to better understand what results mean and areas that are working well and areas that could improve. Discussions include what we heard, what this means, and what to do now.
  • IAC receives feedback to their report at the February meeting including a discussion of preferred next steps
  • IAC identifies gaps or more areas of focus through discussions.
  • IAC to return to a future Board meeting with recommendations and an action plan for Board approval.

Carried by all.

24. CEO performance appraisal – Process

Document 28A: Briefing note – CEO assessment process
Document 28B: CEO assessment questionnaire

Director Maureen Haan outlined the steps involved in the upcoming annual CEO assessment process for the period of April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022. Further details of the process were described in the briefing note.

27-12 Motion presented and seconded to approve the question areas of the CEO self-evaluation as presented on February 10, 2022.

Carried by all.

25. Travel reimbursement and per diem payment guidelines

Document 29A: Briefing note
Document 29B: Travel/per diem guidelines (section 6.8)

Director Maureen Haan presented an interim version of the Travel reimbursement and per diem payment guidelines. The Committee will revise the policy to identify areas of responsibilities for each category as stated in the work plan of the Internal Affairs Committee. The Committee will reflect on the work that needs to be done prior to the review of the policy in fall of 2022.

27-13 Motion presented and seconded to approve the revised Travel reimbursement and per diem payment guidelines proposed changes to expand section 6.6.1 as an appendix to the policy (Proposal #2), and to add changes to section 6.6.2 (Proposal #1) as presented in document 29B, on February 10, 2022.

Carried by all.

26. CFO Update – Risk Management Report

Document 12B: Risk Management Report

The CFO, Philipe Sarrazin, elaborated on the progress made since the creation of the risk management policy presented to Board members in June 2021. Presently, the organization is reviewing the naming, and reassessing the status, of risks and Key Risks.

The next step will involve assessment of mitigation strategies for the previous and new risks and development of an optimal cycle for revision.

27. Concluding remarks

Clarification to the Travel reimbursement and per diem payment guidelines was provided by the CEO. This included a change in the wording in section 6.6.2 to replace “time spent on routine duties” with “time spent on duties”.

28. Adjournment

27-14 Motion presented to adjourn the meeting at 3:29 p.m.

Carried by all.

Friday, February 11, 2022

29. Welcoming remarks and roll call

The meeting opened with a roll call and words of welcome from the Chairperson.

27-15 Motion presented and seconded to open the meeting at 12:00 p.m.

Carried by all.

30. Land acknowledgement

Stuart McGregor presented a land acknowledgement in honour of Indigenous peoples from the National Capital Region, from where he was participating in the virtual meeting.

31. External affairs committee update

Document 34A: Committee report

The Chair of the External Affairs Committee, Bill Adair, gave an overview of the activities of the Committee from their meeting on January 11 along with the next steps for the upcoming meeting.

32. External affairs committee work plan 2022 to 2023

Document 35A: Committee work plan

The Chair of the External Affairs Committee presented the Committee’s work plan for the period of 2022 to 2023. At the December 2021 Board meeting, Directors provided recommendations on how to engage with the community and stakeholders. The work plan reflects several of those ideas.

27-16 Motion presented and seconded to approve the External Affairs Committee work plan 2022 to 2023, as presented on February 11, 2022, with modification in the document 35A to reflect the following:

  • To state that the Committee “oversees the approval” of activities for the purpose of presentation to the Board, in lieu of stating the Committee “approves” the activities.

Carried by all.

33. Managing requests to meet with the Board of directors

Document 36A: Briefing note
Document 36B: Policy on managing requests to meet with the Board of directors

The Chair of the External Affairs Committee presented the revised document 36B for Board approval. The policy was revised by the Committee based on Board members’ recommendations at the December 2021 Board meeting.

27-17 Motion presented and seconded to approve the revised “Policy on managing stakeholder requests to meeting with the Board of Directors” with the following modifications to the policy:

  • On page 3, last point to read: “Offer logistical information, such as links for virtual meetings and guidelines to presenters to ensure their material is accessible;
  • On page 5, question 1, to read "Who or what concern does the stakeholder represent?";
  • On page 5, the last paragraph for both sentences, to replace number 3 with number 4.

Carried by all.

34. Plan for virtual annual public meeting 2022

Document 37A: Briefing note

The Chair of the External Affairs Committee provided information for the organization’s upcoming annual public meeting to be held virtually during National AccessAbility Week. The Communications team is working on the communications plan for the event. The proposal for this event will be presented to Board members for approval at the March 2022 Board meeting. It was recommended that reservations be made as soon as possible for the services of the ASL-LSQ interpreters.

35. Theme for annual report

Document 38A: Briefing note

It was proposed that the theme for the organization’s 2021 to 2022 Annual report be “Building momentum for a barrier-free Canada” as it reflects momentum in the Roadmap to 2040. The Manager of Communications will consult with the Chairperson for approval of the French version of the theme.

27-18 Motion presented and seconded that the Board approve the theme of the 2021 to 2022 Annual Report, as presented on February 11, 2022.

Carried by all.

36. Online youth roundtable event update

Document 40A: Briefing note

Stuart McGregor gave a brief update on the preparation for this event. The first youth event in English will be held on February 22, 2022 and the French event will be held on March 22, 2022. Thirty youth have registered to participate. Collectively, they reflect many aspects of Canadian society, including many types of disabilities. All seats for the English event are now full, but a few spots remain open for the French event. A summary of this event will be provided at the March Board meeting.

37. Document 41A: Quarterly web report

The Manager of Communications, Martine Bareil, presented an update on the quarterly Web report. The report covered the period from November 1, 2021 to January 28, 2022. The report demonstrated the results of outreach done through Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and the organization’s website. There was variation between the reaches of English and the French postings based on interest.

The video posted on the International Day of Persons with Disabilities received a positive engagement response on all platforms. How the organization increases time on website for all visitors will be reviewed with the External Affairs Committee.

38. Areas for 2022 to 2023 Grants and Contributions Program: Solicited Call (continued from Day 1 – item 13)

Document 15A: Briefing Note

Dino Zuppa informed Board members that a complete revised document for this item will be provided to Board members shortly. A verbal summary of this document was presented to Board members with a description of all priority research areas categorized by funded projects. The call for proposals for this cycle will be targeted.

27-19 Motion presented and seconded that the Board approve the following five priority areas for the next call for proposals for the grants and contributions program: built environment including acoustics; design and delivery of programs and services including employment; information and communication technologies; procurement of goods, services, and facilities; and retrofit of existing facilities, including non-traditional work environments and working from home.

Carried by all.

39. In camera session.

No in camera session was held.

40. Other business

A motion was presented to allow a one-time exemption for advance distribution of agenda.

27-20 Motion presented and seconded that the Board reduce the time required for the advance distribution of the agenda to Board members for the February and March/April 2022 Board meetings to 30 days.

Carried by all.

41. Board meeting debriefing

The debriefing session followed the adjournment of the meeting.

42. Forward agenda

27-21 Motion presented and seconded that the next Board meeting held on March 30, 31 and April 1, 2022 be an Ottawa based virtual meeting.

Carried by all.

A list of forward items were presented to add to the agenda for the upcoming Board meeting. Ms. Haan will present the item “Get to know me”.

The Chairperson asked that the item “Risk management plan and risk registry” in the forward agenda be changed from “for approval” to “for information”.

43. Concluding remarks

It was proposed that authors of research projects be invited to present their projects to the Board at future Board meetings.

The following items were recommended for presentation at the next Board meeting:

  • understanding of co-branding standards;
  • what is required to develop standards that would be approved by the Minister;
  • intersectionality and disability justice; d) presentation on the finalized research for completed projects of the Grants and contributions program.

44. Adjournment

27-22 Motion presented to adjourn the meeting at 3:11 p.m.

Carried by all.