Minutes of the Board of Directors' Special Meeting - January 17, 2024 – Virtual Meeting


Members of the Board of Directors (the Board):

  • Me Paul-Claude Bérubé, Chairperson
  • Mary Reid, Vice-Chairperson
  • William Adair, Director
  • Kory Earle, Director 
  • Maureen Haan, Director
  • Brad McCannell, Director  
  • Dr. Joe McLaughlin, Director
  • Laurie Ringaert, Director 

Accessibility Standards Canada Public Officers:

  • Philip Rizcallah, Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
  • Martine Bareil, Chief of Staff, CEO’s Office
  • Dino Zuppa, Director, Chief Operations Officer (COO), Standards and Research
  • Andrée Deslauriers, Director, Stakeholder Relations and Intergovernmental Affairs
  • Philipe Sarrazin, Chief Financial Officer and Director General, Corporate Services 
  • Valerie Patrick, Senior Policy Analysis, Financial Services 
  • Heather Throop, Special Advisor
  • Daniel Morin, Manager, Corporate Secretariat
  • Jasmine Desloges, Coordinator, Corporate Secretariat
  • Hangameh Mumtazi, Coordinator, Corporate Secretariat


1. Welcoming remarks and roll call

  • 42-1 Motion presented, seconded, and carried by all to open the meeting at 1:06 p.m. EST.

2.  Land acknowledgement

  • P.-C. Bérubé presented a land acknowledgement as a small act of reconciliation with Indigenous people of the Montreal region from where he was participating.

3.  Board meeting agenda

Document 3A: Agenda                                 

  • 42-2 Motion presented, seconded, and carried by all that the Board approves the agenda, as presented.

4.  2024-2025 Departmental plan 

Document 4A: Briefing note

Document 4B: 2024-2025 Departmental plan

Document 4C: 2024-2025 Departmental plan at a glance

  • This is Accessibility Standards Canada’s fifth Departmental Plan (DP), which covers the fiscal year from April 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025. 
  • P. Sarrazin and V. Patrick presented the output and values of the DP which matches the organization’s Departmental Results Framework to assess results.  
  • It is the first year that a summarized version of the DP is presented to Board members along with the regular version and will also be presented to the Minister for her approval and signature. 
  • The DP projects two published standards for 2024-2025.
  • The DP reflects the organization’s commitment for the new fiscal year and demonstrates the expected results; it is matched to the organization’s 2040 Roadmap.
  • The new addition to the DP for this fiscal year is the quality-of-life framework and how Canada is contributing to the quality-of-life framework.
  • Both versions of the DP are in plain language and formatted to improve accessibility and reflect the organization’s branding.
  • Considerations for this year or next year’s DP:
    • To align key priorities with the organization’s 3-year strategic plan. 
    • To consider the engagement of stakeholders and highlight this in future DP.
    • To use the term “equity-based standards” instead of “model standards”.
  • Action: P.-C. Bérubé will share his comments with the CFO concerning a comparison with the 3-year strategic plan.
  • 42-3 Motion presented, seconded, and carried by all that the Board approves Accessibility Standards Canada’s 2024-2025 Departmental plan, as presented.

5. Strategy on standards adoption and implementation

Document 5A: Briefing note

  • The CEO presented an overview of components of the operational approach for the adoption and implementation of our standards. Two elements were discussed:
    • National Standards Canada
    • Technical guides
  • The two elements can be supported by pilot studies, costing studies, and tier approach. These would allow ASC to have a pragmatic lens to the adoption of our voluntary standards.
  • In terms of pilot studies, the feedback from these projects could provide applicable modifications to the standards prior to recommendation to the Minister.
  • This was followed with a discussion on an accompanying guide to standards suggesting a “tier approach” to users. This approach would support the users in implementing our standards. It would provide consistency across the country and support the implementation of our full standards. It would also offset the risk of our standards not being adopted.
  • The approach would offer an expert solution for those who are unable to apply 100% of the standard quickly. It could ensure that users begin with implementing the most essential parts first, before gradually implementing the 2nd tier and 3rd tier. The end goal would still be equity and full implementation of our standards. 
  • Board members expressed their interest, but also raised concerns on possible risks that a tier approach could represent:
    • Accessibility Standards Canada should promote 100% implementation. A tier approach is a form of compromise. 
    • The « tier 1 and 2 » should not be less than what already exists within federal, provincial, or territorial jurisdictions.
    • Obtain feedback on how standards are impacting people with disabilities (consider “quality of life”), equitable access. May need to consult with the disability community as well as the technical committees for their advice on tier approach. 
    • Consider doing a risk analysis to reflect how long it would take to reach 100% standard implementation.
    • Who will determine what is the content for each tier? Is it the role of the technical committees or is it part of the research team role?
    • The Accessibility Secretariat (regulator) may allow various times for implementation. Concern raised about Accessibility Standards Canada’s role with introducing tiers as an approach to implementation. 
  • Board members will continue this discussion at a later time.

6.  Intersectionality framework and strategy – Standards development

Document 6A: Presentation

  • D. Zuppa presented this item for Board approval. 
  • The document was previously presented to the Internal Affairs Committee, and to the Board in September 2023.
  • All areas of intersectionality will be represented when results are compiled from public reviews.
  • 42-4 Motion presented, seconded, and carried by all that the Board approve the Intersectionality framework and strategy for standards development, as presented.

7.  Date for the March 2024 Board meeting (Proposed change)

  • 42-5 Motion presented, seconded, and carried by all that the Board approve changing the date of the March 2024 Regular meeting from March 19 to 21, 2024 to March 12 to 14, 2024. As approved in December 2023, the meeting will be held virtually.

8.  CEO performance assessment 2023-2024

Document 8A: Briefing note

Document 8B: Survey questions

Document 8C: CEO commitments 2023-2024

  • M. Haan presented the revised schedule for the upcoming CEO performance assessment process:
    • The assessment feedback from Board members will be compiled between February 26 and March 1, 2024.
    • The CEO assessment draft will be shared with the Internal Affairs Committee on March 5, 2024.
    • The approval of the CEO performance assessment will be held at the March 12-14, 2024 Board meeting during the in-camera session. 
    • A Special Board meeting will be held on April 29 to approve the CEO’s commitments for 2024-2025.
  • The CEO performance assessment will be based on the CEO’s commitments established for the fiscal year 2023 to 2024, and not on the assessment of the commitments.
  • Action: A separate SurveyMonkey survey will be provided by M. Haan on the “CEO profile” in relation to skills and attributes. It will be sent by end of week. A summary will be shared with authorities responsible for CEO appointments. The process is the same as done for Board member profile.
  • 42-6 Motion presented, seconded, and carried by all that the Board approves the process, timelines, and the survey questions for the CEO’s performance assessment for 2023-2024, as presented.

9. Concluding remarks and adjournment

  • 42-7 Motion presented, seconded, and carried by all to adjourn the meeting at 2:49 p.m. EST.