Minutes of the Board of Directors’ Special Meeting – March 2 to 4, 2021


Members of the Board of Directors (the Board)

  • Me Paul-Claude Bérubé, Chairperson
  • Mary Reid, Vice-Chairperson
  • William Adair, Director
  • Kory Earle, Director
  • Maureen Haan, Director
  • Penny Hartin, Director
  • Rabia Khedr, Director
  • Brad McCannell, Director
  • Dr. Joe McLaughlin, Director
  • Laurie Ringaert, Director

Accessibility Standards Canada public officers

  • Philip Rizcallah, Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
  • Michelle Demery, Chief Operating Officer (COO)
  • Maggie Saunders, Manager, Governance and Reporting (March 4)
  • Micah Walter, Policy Analyst, Governance and Reporting (March 3)
  • Jasmine Desloges, Coordinator, Governance and Reporting
  • Anthony Jolicoeur, Coordinator, Governance and Reporting (March 2 and 3)
  • Collinda Joseph, Manager, Standards Development Operations (March 2)
  • Jacques Falardeau, Manager, Research/Standards Development (March 2)
  • Christina Richard, Manager, Communications (March 4)
  • Heather Throop, Senior Advisor (March 4)
  • Gavin Scharfe, Analyst, IM-IT, Administration
  • Maggie Lopes, Executive Assistant to CEO


  • Rupa Bhawal-Montmorency, Director General, Accessibility Secretariat (March 2)
  • Jocelyn Kula, Director of Policy, Results and Engagement Division, Accessibility Secretariat (March 2)
  • Jason Ducharme, Partner; Mary Larson, Analyst; Natalie Lawrence, Partner; Fiona Richards, Analyst; all from MNP consulting firm (March 3)


Tuesday, March 2, 2021

1. Welcoming remarks and roll call

The meeting opened with a roll call and words of welcome from the Chairperson.

19-1 Motion presented and seconded to open the meeting at 12:00 p.m.

Carried by all.

2.Board meeting agenda

Document: 2A: Proposed Agenda

The Chairperson presented the proposed agenda. It was noted that no document was sent out to Board members for items 34 and 39 of the agenda as the reports will be done verbally.

19-2 Motion presented and seconded to approve the agenda as presented.

Carried by all.

3. Minutes of special board meetings

Document 3A: Minutes (November 19, 2020)
Document 3B: Minutes (December 9 to 11, 2020)
Document 3C: Minutes (January 8, 2021)

19-3 Motion presented and seconded to approve the minutes of the Board of Directors Special meeting of November 19, 2020.

Carried by all.

19-4 Motion presented and seconded to approve the minutes of the Board of Directors Special meeting of December 9 to 11, 2020.

Carried by all.

19-5 Motion presented and seconded to approve the minutes of the Board of Directors Special meeting of January 8, 2021.

Carried by all.

4. Business arising

Document 4A: Action item list
Document 4B: Board motions list

Copies of the updated Action item list and Board motions list were shared with all Board members. The Chairperson informed Directors that an e-binder will be available for them to consult that will include Board meeting minutes, Standing

committees minutes, and the By-law and policies. Up-to-date versions of the e-binder will be available at quarterly intervals. Eventually, when the system is ready, a portal will be available online for all Board members.

5. Correspondence

Document 5A: Minister Qualtrough’s letter
Document 5B: Response to Minister
Document 5C: Report-Electronic payment terminals

The Chairperson shared a letter received from Minister Qualtrough requesting consideration in the development of a standard for electronic payment terminals. A report on the accessibility of electronic payment terminals written by Employment and Social Development Canada was also provided. The Chairperson shared his response to the Minister on behalf of Accessibility Standards Canada in which the organization confirms that the development of a standard on electronic payment terminals is scheduled to begin in 2021 in partnership with CSA.

6. Chairperson’s update

Document 6A: Chairperson’s report

The Chairperson stated that the content of the report is related to items that will be discussed during the next few days of the Board meeting.

7. CEO’s update

Document 7A: CEO’s report

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) informed Board members of recent changes in staffing. He added that a youth engagement strategy has been developed by the organization. He also added that some measures have been implemented in the organization to enhance the recruitment and retention of persons with disabilities from junior to senior levels.

The CEO informed Board members that Accessibility Standards Canada continues to engage with multiple Standards Development Organizations and National Code Organizations to form partnerships in key standard development areas.

Board members further discussed that the organization continues to develop collaboration with federal and provincial departments in relation to developing and adopting standards. Consideration will be given to what has been done nationally and internationally. This will create a balance that will include all feedback from different sources to respond to the need of the community. It was further agreed that the concept of ‘universal design’ should be discussed as an agenda item at a future Board meeting.

8. Accessibility Secretariat presentation

Document 8A: ACC presentation

The CEO introduced Ms. Rupa Bhawal-Montmorency, Director General at Accessibility Secretariat of ESDC (Employment and Social Development Canada), who presented the mandate and activities of the secretariat. The presentation covered activities relating to regulatory development, Governor in Council appointments, cultural change, engagement, policy development, and performance measurement.

Board members and Ms. Bhawal-Montmorency discussed how both organizations are involved with different partnerships from grassroots organizations, to various governmental entities, and how these groups interconnect to advance accessibility. Further interest was expressed on how the secretariat and Accessibility Standards Canada could collaborate in delivering on the priorities in the Accessibility Canada Act.

9. Standards development: Internal process, joint standards and bi-national standards development

Document 10A: Standards development and accreditation overview

Two public officers of Accessibility Standards Canada presented an overview of the standards development process and accreditation. The presentation on standards development outlined the various roles and responsibilities of the Board, public officers and technical committees, and all other groups involved in the various stages of development.

The other part of the presentation focused on the process of accreditation with the Standards Council of Canada (SCC). The organization is presently going through a thorough application process and a full report of accreditation status should be known by the end of the year.

Board members discussed their expectations of their role through the process of standards development from beginning to end results. A suggestion was made for a clear process to be presented on the various stages of involvement by all parties. Board members identified areas where their involvement could expand and bring about an engaged participation at different points in the standards development process.

The Chairperson suggested and the Board agreed that a comprehensive motion would be reviewed by himself, the Vice-Chairperson and the CEO. This motion was presented the next day at the beginning of the Board meeting.

10. Procurement guidelines

Document 11A: Briefing note
Document 11B: Procurement guidelines
Document 11C: Annex: procurement guide

The CEO presented the documents which explain the roles and responsibilities of the Board and public officers in following procurement guidelines related to the procurement of a product or a service. The guidelines are based on the Government of Canada’s policies and directives and they help to understand its complex rules.

The Chairperson recommended that the Board postpone the approval of these documents and rather a review be done with any modifications presented at a future Board meeting. The motion followed this recommendation.

19-6 Motion presented and seconded to have a revised version of the Procurement Guidelines and Annex with proposed modifications to be presented and approved at the next Board meeting of June 2021. The modifications would include the following: 1) to add the words “project lead” into the document; 2) to be specific of the roles and responsibilities of the project lead; 3) to remove the last line on page 3; 4) specify measures of action should there be conflict of interest if someone from Accessibility Standards Canada is associated with the contractor; and 5) eliminate any language in the document that is not definite, such as the words “may” or “can”, to the extent possible.

Carried by all.

11. Concluding remarks

Due to time constraints, the Chairperson recommended that items #12 (Accessibility Policy) and #13 (Communications Protocol) on the agenda be postponed to the next day of the Board meeting, on March 3, 2021.

19-7 Motion presented to adjourn the meeting at 4:00 p.m.

Carried by all.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

12. Welcoming remarks and roll call

The meeting opened with a roll call and words of welcome from the Chairperson.

19-8 Motion presented and seconded to open the meeting at 12:00 p.m.

Carried by all.

The Vice-Chairperson gave recognition to the World Hearing Day 2021 as declared by the World Health Organization on March 3. A promotional campaign for sign language awareness is also taking place on March 3.

13. Standards development: Internal process, joint standards and bi-national standards development (continued from previous day)

Document 10A: Standards development and accreditation overview

Based on yesterday’s discussion on the role of the Board in the process of standards development, the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and CEO presented a motion to address the recommendations presented by Board members.

19-9 Motion presented and seconded that the Board of Directors request the CEO to develop and submit a draft standards development process (for Accessibility Standards Canada) for approval at the June 2021 Board meeting, and that the process includes responsibilities and activity timelines of technical committees, public officers, the CEO and the Board.

Carried by all.

14. Accessibility policy

Documents 12A: Accessibility policy

Collinda Joseph, public officer, presented the Accessibility Policy with updates. References were added at the end of the document along with annexes. These references will be available to people outside of the organization. The policy is now complete to be used by Board members and public officers of the organization.

It was recommended that a small change be made in section 2.2 to clarify the meaning of the word “volunteer”. Other modification would be in section 3.5, to replace the word “DAISY” with “JAWS”, and to clarify in more detail the function of DAISY (Digital Accessible Information System).

15. Communications protocol

Document 13A: Briefing note
Document 13B: Communications protocol

The Chairperson presented the Communications Protocol with proposed revisions highlighted. This document was initially approved at the August 11, 2020 Board meeting and it is proposed that a full review and revision of the document be done at the August 2021 Board meeting. Board members will be asked to review the document one month before the August Board meeting.

19-10 Motion presented and seconded that the Board of Directors approve the revised Communications Protocol document.

Carried by all.

16. Governance committee update

Document 16A: Committee report

The Chair of the Governance Committee, Kory Earle, reported that the Committee met twice since the last Board meeting in December 2020. Work is well underway according to the work plan.

17. Governance Committee: By-law and policies approval

Document 17A: Briefing note – By-law and policies
Document 17B: Briefing note – Risk management
Document 17C: By-law No. 1
Document 17D: Code of conduct and ethics
Document 17E: Governance policy
Document 17F: Recruitment policy
Document 17G: Whistleblower policy
Document 17H: Briefing note – Risk oversight

The Chair of the Governance Committee, Kory Earle, commented that there has been many opportunities for the Board to provide their feedback on the By-law and policies, and that the Board will continue to be able to do so on an ongoing basis. A quick overview of the most recent changes to the By-law and policies was presented.

19-11 Motion presented and seconded that the Board of Directors approve the proposed amendments to the By-law, Code of Conduct and Ethics, Whistleblower Policy, and Recruitment Policy as presented.

Carried by all.

Next, Board members proceeded to discuss issues in relation to items 17B and 17H (risk management and oversight), and the responsibilities of the Board.

A risk management framework will be presented by public officers at the next Board meeting in June 2021 for approval. Consideration will be made whether a risk management/oversight standing committee or an advisory committee should be created at this meeting. The framework will help Board members to assess the next steps on this matter.

19-12 Motion presented and seconded that the Board of Directors approve the Governance policy without the terms of reference for a risk management committee and that public officers provide a risk management framework including a risk registry to be approved at the June 2021 Board meeting. For all future Board meetings, Directors agreed that a standing item on “risk management” be included in all agendas for meetings.

Carried by all.

18. Governance Committee: Follow-up to Indigenous training

Director Laurie Ringaert, member of the Governance Committee, requested feedback from Board members on previous Indigenous awareness training and expectations for future training. It was agreed that most members were interested to learn more about history, culture, intersectionality and engagement with the Indigenous disability community. After much discussion, Board members decided to extend the timeline allocated for the Indigenous awareness training roadmap, which they approved in fall 2020.

19-13 Motion presented and seconded to extend the period of Indigenous awareness training beyond the end of March 2021 for completion in 2021 to 2022 as per the Governance Committee work plan. It is noted that this extension be reflected in the “Action Item List”. The completion of the training will be reviewed at the Board meeting in October 2021.

Carried by all.

19. Governance Committee: Work plan 2021 to 2022

Document 19A: Committee work plan

The Chair of the Governance Committee, Kory Earle, presented the work plan for the year 2021 to 2022 to the Board.

19-14 Motion presented and seconded to approve the Governance Committee work plan for the year 2021 to 2022.

Carried by all.

20. Strategic Planning Committee update

Document 20A: Committee report

The Chair of the Strategic Planning Committee, Maureen Haan, stated that the Committee report was shared with all Board members. All committee activities from 2020 to 2021, including the interim plan, are mostly completed with a few outstanding activities that will be achieved by the end of March 2021. There are other activities reported for the committee related to the development of the roadmap to 2040 that will carry into 2021 to 2022.

21. Strategic Planning Committee: Annual meeting calendar for 2021

Documents 21A: Annual meeting calendar for 2021

The Chair of the Strategic Planning Committee, Maureen Haan, presented the annual meeting calendar for all Board meetings for 2021. The calendar outlined the areas of focus for the organization. Board members requested that the calendar reflect the fiscal quarters of the organization.

19-15 Motion presented and seconded to revise the annual meeting calendar to align all Board of Directors meetings with the fiscal year and to schedule the Annual Public Meeting during the National AccessAbility week on May 31, 2021.

Carried by all.

22. Strategic Planning Committee: Three year rolling strategic plan

Document 22A: Three year rolling strategic plan 2021 to 2024
Document 22B: Three year strategic plan 2019 to 2022 update

The Chair of the Strategic Planning Committee, Maureen Haan, presented the strategic plan for the years 2021 to 2024. The plan was done in consultation with the Chairs of all Standing committees. This plan will also include Indigenous awareness training as per the above motion to extend the period of the training. All language used in the strategic plan should reflect the four pillars and be representative of the work done for the roadmap to 2040.

19-16 Motion presented and seconded that the Board of Directors approve the strategic plan for 2021 to 2024 with modification on page 5 to remove the recommendation in section 1, under the title Standards Development, since this activity would have been accomplished. Inclusion of Indigenous awareness training will also be added to the strategic plan to reflect the extension date of training.

Carried by all.

The document 22B (three year strategic plan 2019 to 2022 update) was presented to inform Board members that all planned activities were completed as targeted.

23. Strategic Planning Committee: Work plan 2021 to 2022

Document 23A: Committee work plan

The Chair of the Strategic Planning Committee, Maureen Haan, presented the committee’s work plan for the year 2021 to 2022.

19-17 Motion presented and seconded to approve the Strategic Planning Committee work plan for 2021 to 2022.

Carried by all.

24. Strategic Planning Committee: Roadmap to 2040

The Chair of the Strategic Planning Committee, Maureen Haan, introduced all four guests from the MNP consulting firm to discuss the organization’s roadmap to 2040.

The committee is working with MNP to develop a long-term roadmap to take Accessibility Standards Canada forward to 2040. The objective of the roadmap is to support the organization in its mandate to contribute to a barrier-free Canada by 2040. The roadmap will:

  • include timelines, milestones and a clear plan for the organization’s work in key objectives until 2040;
  • encourage alignment with all parts of the organization’s mandate in the Accessible Canada Act, strategic and departmental plans, core value to continuously engage with the disability community; and
  • help guide leadership through the fulfilment of the organization’s mandate, the ability to address the needs of the disability community, and connecting meaningfully with industry and all stakeholders.

This meeting provided an opportunity for Board members to share their feedback on the presentation and on the work achieved so far. It was agreed that the organization will ensure that the roadmap is flexible to adapt to changes over the years to 2040 as new opportunities and challenges may arise. In the development of the roadmap, members would like to see how the various governmental entities and groups are interconnected and represented in each of their mandates to contribute to a barrier-free Canada by 2040.

Board members will have many more opportunities to present feedback as this presentation was an update on the development of the roadmap. At the next Board meeting, the Chair of the Strategic Planning Committee will present the draft roadmap to 2040.

25. Concluding remarks

The Chairperson suggested that the Performance Appraisal Committee shares its questionnaire on the CEO performance assessment with all Board members and that it be reviewed during tomorrow’s discussion.

19-18 Motion presented to adjourn the meeting at 3:45 p.m.

Carried by all.

Thursday, March 4, 2021

26. Welcoming remarks and roll call

The meeting opened with a roll call and words of welcome from the Chairperson.

19-19 Motion presented and seconded to open meeting at 12:00 p.m.

Carried by all.

The Chairperson presented two modifications to the agenda: 1) Item 40B: Risk management is cancelled and will be reviewed in another Board meeting; 2) The new item to present in place of 40B is the terms of reference for the built environment technical committee.

19- 20 Motion presented and seconded to accept the two modifications to the agenda as outlined above by the Chairperson.

Carried by all.

27. External Relations Committee update

Document 28A: Committee report

The Chair of the External Relations Committee, Penny Hartin, presented a summary of the committee’s activities since the last Board meeting in December 2020.

The Chair reported that the Consultation Report, which outlines the results from the public consultation held last year, is now on the organisation’s website. The committee welcomes all suggestions from Board members for the next public consultation and these can be sent in writing to the committee. The committee will meet in the following week to discuss plans for the Annual Public Meeting.

28. External Relations Committee: Plan for virtual annual public meeting for 2021

Document 29A: Annual public meeting plan 2021

The Chair of the External Relations Committee, Penny Hartin, presented the planned concept for the organization’s first Annual Public Meeting (APM), proposed to be held on May 31, 2021 in the afternoon as part of the National AccessAbility Week. The title for this year’s event is: “Making Canada Accessible – Join us”.

The committee proposed that the event be virtual because of COVID-19 and to be held as one plenary session. It will be the organization’s first public facing event with Canadians. A detailed agenda for the event was presented which would include presentations from Board members and presentation of three themes with time for questions and feedback. More details need to be confirmed with consideration to the time allocated for this event. The committee welcomed Board members’ recommendations for this preliminary plan.

19-21 Motion presented and seconded to hold Accessibility Standards Canada’s first Annual Public Meeting virtually, on Monday May 31, 2021 from 1 p.m. to 4:15 p.m., Eastern Time.

It is further moved that the CEO be requested to issue official public notice of the meeting by April 15 to provide the required 45 day notice of the meeting. It is also moved that he and his team begin the technical preparations for the virtual Annual Public Meeting.

Carried by all.

29. External Relations Committee: Plan for the annual report

Document 30A: Annual report plan

All Board members received in writing the outline and structure of the Annual Report for Accessibility Standards Canada for the year 2020 to 2021. The proposed theme for the annual report is: “Keeping our focus on an accessible Canada”.

In early April 2021, the committee will send a draft version of the Annual Report to all Board members for comment. The committee will then prepare a revised and final draft version to be presented for approval at the Board meeting in mid-April. The completed Annual Report will be presented to the Minister in June 2021 and then tabled in Parliament. Upon approval, the report will be published on the organization’s website.

19-22 Motion presented and seconded that the Board of Directors approves the outline and theme of the 2020 to 2021 Annual Report as presented.

Carried by all.

30. External relations committee: Work plan 2021 to 2022

Document 31A: Committee work plan

The Chair of the External Relations Committee, Penny Hartin, presented the work plan of the committee for the fiscal year 2021 to 2022. Ms. Hartin mentioned that the plan is a combination of activities that are done every year in addition to new activities that were postponed because of COVID-19.

19-23 Motion presented and seconded to approve the External Relations Committee work plan for 2021 to 2022 as presented.

Carried by all.

The Chairperson enquired if Board members would be available for a Special meeting in mid-April to approve the CEO performance appraisal and to approve the final draft for the Annual Report of 2020 to 2021.

19-24 Motion presented and seconded to approve that the next Special meeting be held on Thursday, April 15, 2021 from 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. EST. An Outlook invitation will be sent to all Board members.

Carried by all.

31. External relations committee: Youth engagement plan

Document 32A: Briefing note – Youth engagement plan
Document 32B: Youth engagement plan

The Chair of the External Relations Committee, Penny Hartin, presented this item to inform Board members of the operational phase of this plan. The youth engagement plan was created from the outcome of the stakeholder engagement strategy plan presented to the Board in May 2020. The plan supports the goals of this strategy and those of the Youth Policy released by the Government of Canada in 2019.

32. External relations committee: Public relations reports

The Chair of the External Relations Committee, Penny Hartin, informed all Board members how the Communications team is working with a group that develops reports on the outcome of the organization’s social media presence. The reports are released every three months and the group measures scores on different outcomes of exposure of the organization in the news and in web and social media. These reports will give a snapshot of the organization’s public presence. Members will receive a copy of the reports for past periods in the next few days and thereafter the reports will be sent quarterly.

33. Performance appraisal committee update

The Chair of the Performance Appraisal Committee, Brad McCannell, reported that the committee had reviewed the Privy Council Office requirements for the CEO’s performance appraisal, to ensure that the appropriate process is followed.

34. Performance Appraisal Committee: CEO appraisal process

Document 35A: Briefing note – CEO appraisal process

The Chair of the Performance Appraisal Committee, Brad McCannell, outlined the necessary steps to complete the CEO’s performance appraisal process, which covers the period of April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021. Further details of the process were outlined in the briefing note.

19-25 Motion presented and seconded to approve the CEO performance appraisal process as presented by the Performance Appraisal Committee, and to have the final draft report ready for April 9, 2021 at the latest to send to all Board members. Board members will meet on April 15, 2021, in camera, for the official assessment discussion.

Carried by all.

The Performance Appraisal Committee then requested approval from Board members for the content of the questionnaire to be used for the CEO performance appraisal process, based on the questionnaire that the Committee Chair submitted the day before to all Board members. To give full opportunity for all Board members to review and comment, it was decided that the approval of the questionnaire would be done by email.

19-26 Motion presented and seconded that the content of the questionnaire for the CEO performance appraisal process be reviewed by all Board members. Board members will have until no later than March 8, 2021 to review the questionnaire and to send, by email, their recommendations to the Chair of the Performance Appraisal Committee. The revised questionnaire will then be sent to Board members by email on March 10, 2021. Board members will have until March 12, 2021, end of the business day, to return their vote by email for approval of the proposed questionnaire.

Carried by all.

Addendum: Voting was completed for the approval of the CEO performance appraisal questionnaire at 5:18 p.m. on March 11, 2021, by email. The Chairperson reported by email that all Board members voted in favor of the content of the questionnaire.

35. Performance Appraisal Committee: Board appraisal

Document 36A: Briefing Note – Recommendations for improved Board performance

19-27 Motion presented and seconded to proceed to the in camera session for all Board members with invitation to the CEO to attend. Discussion will cover agenda item 35 (Board appraisal) and 36 (Board and CEO Roles).

Carried by all.

36. Board and CEO roles

Upon returning from the in camera session, Board members presented the motions below.

19-28 Motion presented and seconded to close the in camera portion of the meeting.

Carried by all.

19-29 Motion:

Whereas the Boardroom Metrics report made incorrect assumptions and does not provide a balanced perspective, the Board rejects the report as submitted and accepts the data for further review.

Carried unanimously.

37. Other business

Document 40A: Briefing Note – Member question (in response to question about Accessibility Commissioner)

A briefing note informed all Board members on the best course of action for the organization in regard to a question about the Accessibility Commissioner.

Document 40B: Terms of reference for the built environment technical committee

As part of the collaborative work done by Accessibility Standards Canada with other Standards Development Organizations and National Code Organizations to engage in partnership, it was proposed by the CEO to recommend the approval of the terms of reference for the built environment technical committee.

19-30 Motion presented and seconded to approve the terms of reference for the built environment technical committee.

Carried by all.

38. Concluding remarks

Board members were reminded to reserve time for the upcoming Board meeting on April 15, 2021 at 1:30 p.m. (EST) and that an Outlook invitation would be sent shortly.

19-31 Motion presented to adjourn the meeting at 4:20 p.m.
