Technical committee application: Consent for Security Level information - Additional information
The following information may be requested to be completed by the applicant and authorized Departmental/Agency/Organizational Official:
- Full legal name and date of birth: this can be validated by verifying the member’s birth certificate, confirmation of permanent residence document or Canadian citizenship certificate or card.
- Current address: this can be validated by verifying the member’s driver’s license, provincial photo card, firearm license or secure certificate of Indian status.
- Educational credentials/professional qualifications relevant to the member’s position: these can be validated by verifying the member’s official transcripts, diplomas, certificates from educational/professional institutions and/or originals of professional certification from municipal/provincial/federal licensing bodies, associations or institutions.
- Employment history relevant to the member’s position: this can be verified by contacting the member’s previous employers to ascertain dates of employment, performance and reason for leaving employment, or by asking the member to provide records of employment, T4s, or paystubs.
- Personal character references: this can be verified by contacting 1 or more personal character reference(s) to validate the accuracy of information verified during the background check process.