Technical committee application: Roles and responsibilities

The following information explains the roles and responsibilities of the three types of technical committee members:

  • Chairperson;
  • Vice Chairperson; and
  • Member.

Technical Committee Chairperson

The Chairperson will:

  • Be neutral and act objectively;
  • Work in collaboration with the Vice Chairperson to carry out their duties;
  • Allow all Committee Members to express their opinions and ensure all views are understood and summarized for future reference;
  • Have and display knowledge of the subject matter at hand;
  • Have and display strong leadership skills and promote a positive team environment;
  • Devote the necessary time to assist the Committee in reaching consensus on Committee documents; 
  • With help from the Accessibility Standards Canada Project Manager, lead the following stage of standards development;
    • Committee stage;
    • Enquiry stage;
    • Approval stage;
    • Review stage; and
    • Withdrawal stage
  • With the Project Manager, participate in reviews of Committee membership and recommend changes if necessary;
  • Ensure that all decisions are clearly communicated and understood;
  • Review progress of work against agreed target dates;
  • With the Project Manager, identify risks and resolve, mitigate, or avoid issues related to standards development;
  • With the Project Manager, facilitate the establishment and disbandment of Task Groups, if needed; and
  • With the Project Manager, resolve any incidents between Members.

Technical Committee Vice Chairperson

The Vice Chairperson will:

  • Work in collaboration with the Chairperson to carry out their duties;
  • Complete tasks assigned by the Chairperson; and
  • Act for the Chairperson when:
    • The Chairperson cannot attend a meeting;
    • The Chairperson wishes to participate in the discussion and therefore must relinquish the role of Chairperson in order to maintain neutrality;
    • Dispositioning a negative vote cast by the Chairperson; and
    • Otherwise requested by the Chairperson or Project Manager to do so.

Technical Committee Members

All Members, including the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson, will:

  • Attend and actively participate in Technical Committee meetings;
  • Contribute to drafting and follow the Technical Committee Work Plan;
  • Complete required work during and between meetings;
  • Contribute to consensus-based approach of developing standards, and vote when required;
  • Contribute to a positive team environment; and
  • Suggest guest experts when or if additional information is needed

Additionally, Members and the Vice Chairperson will:

  • Contribute to the following phases of standards development;
    • Committee stage;
    • Enquiry stage;
    • Approval stage;
    • Review stage; and
    • Withdrawal stage.
  • Provide feedback when the Canadian public requests information about technical content.