CAN-ASC-5.2.1: Part 1: Design and Delivery of Accessible Programs and Services: Accessible Service Delivery – Accessibility for federally regulated entities as defined by the Accessible Canada Act
12. Training
Table of contents
12.1 Persons who must be trained
Every service provider shall ensure that training about accessible service delivery is provided to the following persons:
- Every person who is an employee of the service provider (including senior management) or a volunteer with the service provider.
- Any individual who is involved with the design and the delivery of a service.
- Every other person who provides services on behalf of the service provider.
- Every person who works directly with the public or whose work impacts the public.
12.2 Contents of training
Training for persons identified in Clause 12.1 shall
- include a review of:
- the purposes of the Accessible Canada Act;
- the Accessible Canada Regulations;
- the Canadian Human Rights Act;
- the requirements of this standard;
- the organizations’ strategies, policies, and procedures related to accessibility; and
- other applicable laws.
- provide specific information on:
- in-person and digital communication;
- barriers and accommodations;
- how to consult with persons with disabilities;
- how to interact with persons with disabilities who:
- use an assistive device or adaptive technology;
- use a mobility aid;
- are accompanied by a support person(s); and
- are accompanied by a guide dog or service dog;
- how to use equipment, assistive devices, or adaptive technology provided by the service provider that may help with the delivery of service(s) to a person with a disability;
- the availability of the organization’s accessibility features and services;
- what to do if a person with a disability encounters a barrier to service(s);
- visible and non-visible disabilities; and
- the principles of inclusive design.
- be appropriate to the duties of persons who must be trained.
12.3 Development and delivery method
12.3.1 Development
Training shall be developed in consultation with persons with disabilities and they shall be appropriately compensated for their time and expertise.
Training development may include input from organizations with relevant subject-matter expertise that represent people with disabilities.
12.3.2 Delivery method
Persons with disabilities should be included as key members of the team delivering the training and shall be appropriately compensated for their time and expertise.
Training delivery may include input from organizations with relevant subject-matter expertise that represent people with disabilities.
12.4 Timing
Service providers shall provide training to individual(s), complying with Clause 12.1:
- before or immediately after the person joins an organization or begins work with the organization;
- provide ongoing training in connection with changes to the service provider's measures, policies, and practices regarding accessible service delivery; and
- at a minimum of every two years.
12.5 Training information
Every service provider shall prepare and maintain a training policy and plan that:
- summarizes the content of the training; and
- specifies when the training is to be provided.
Upon request, service providers shall provide a copy of the document to any customer in an accessible format complying with Clause 6.2.
12.6 Review of training programs
12.6.1 Timing of review
Service providers shall conduct a review:
- on an annual basis, at a minimum, of their training materials on accessible service delivery; and
- when:
- new information on how to provide services to persons with disabilities emerges;
- there are changes to processes that impact how services are delivered, or new processes are developed;
- the service provider introduces new service(s); and
- there are changes to relevant standards and regulations.
12.6.2 Review of content
- Review of training content shall include consultation with persons with disabilities and they shall be appropriately compensated for their time and expertise. Review of training content may include input from organizations with relevant subject-matter expertise that represent people with disabilities.
- The review of content shall:
- ensure that the training materials continue to offer practical information, and
- incorporate new information on how to provide accessible service delivery to persons with disabilities.
12.7 Maintenance of training records
Every service provider shall keep records of the training provided under Clause 12 that includes:
- a list of people that have been trained,
- the dates on which they were trained,
- the percentage of people that have received the required training complying with Clause 12.4,
- a copy of the training policy and plan, complying with Clause 12.6, and
- a copy of the training content delivered.