Note: This document was developed as a reference document for voluntary use. The voluntary guidance found in this document should not be interpreted as replacing or superseding, in whole or in part, obligations that entities must comply with. Also, fulfilling the voluntary guidance found in this document does not automatically fulfill obligations. These obligations include any obligations found in legislation, regulations, policies, directives, codes and/or other instruments that may apply to entities. It is the responsibility of users of this document to judge its suitability for their particular purpose.The following sections apply to the built environment specifically for passenger terminals. They do not apply to the built environment for transportation vehicles.
8.1 Outdoor spaces
Outdoor spaces such as those outside of travel-related buildings and businesses should be accessible to people with disabilities. To meet this guidance, start by: Providing sufficient accessible parking located close to the main building, with appropriate signage, and with adequate dimensions for vehicles with auxiliary ramps, hoists or lifts.Having designated passenger drop off and pick up areas for people with disabilities located close to entrances and exits.Having designated shuttle bus stops for people with disabilities located close to entrances and exits.Properly maintaining exterior paths of travel and exterior stairs, including prompt removal of snow and ice during winter months.Ensuring there is sufficient artificial and natural lighting near parking, entrances/exits, benches, and paths of travel.Providing outdoor guide dog or service dog relief areas within the terminal area that are well maintained, clean, include zero-step entrances, and have clear accessible signage.Maintaining boarding and disembarking spaces, where applicable, including removal of snow and ice during winter months. Following the guidance on accessible parking of the ASC-2.1: Outdoor Spaces Public Review Draft, as well as any additional guidance on outdoor spaces in general. Specifically, Clause on parking spaces and Clause 7.2 on parking and vehicle amenities.
8.2 Interior paths of travel
Paths of travel within buildings should be accessible. To meet this guidance, start by: ensuring paths are wide enough and clear of any obstacles to allow passengers with disabilities to move through a building with ease; having a marked path differentiation where the path transitions from one surface to another (for example, a colour contrast strip or distinct surface textures); having slip resistant, firm and stable floor surfaces that are free of obstacles and use surfaces and patterns that do not impact perception or orientation; including periodic rest areas when paths of travel are long (for example, in large terminals); andfollowing the information found on interior paths of travel in ASC-2.3: Model Standard for the Built Environment - Accessibility for federally regulated entities as defined in the Accessible Canada Act Public Review Draft. Specifically, Clause 5 and sub-clauses on paths of travel.
8.3 Doors and doorways
Doors and doorways should be accessible to all. To meet this guidance, start by: having doorways that are tall and wide enough to allow people with disabilities to pass through, taking into consideration such things as wheelchair size, luggage, support persons, guide dogs or service dogs, and travellers in groups; ensuring that any protrusions into the doorway do not impede the path of travel (for example, hanging signs); having doorways and door frames that include measures for differentiation, such as luminous or colour contrast;equipping doors with a delayed action closing mechanism that remains open long enough to allow people with disabilities to pass through,; having safety sensors on power doors to ensure no contact with users; when possible, using power operated sliding doors over power operated swinging doors as there is a risk that swinging doors can obstruct the path of travel; andfollowing the information on doors found in ASC-2.3: Model Standard for the Built Environment - Accessibility for federally regulated entities as defined in the Accessible Canada Act Public Review Draft. Specifically, following Clause 5.5 and subclauses on doorways, doors and gates.
8.4 Sanitary facilities
Sanitary facilities including any washrooms, universal washrooms, showers, (in airport lounges), and drinking fountains and bottle filling stations should be accessible for all travellers. To meet this guidance, start by: considering the proximity of features (for example, the location of lavatories, urinals, mirrors, or other elements) to the entrance and to each other. This includes the proximity of privacy walls and grab bars;for these features, consider the clear floor area around the features and the design of clear floor areas to limit water pooling. The proximity of different features should allow people using assistive devices to maneuver through spaces easily while alone or if accompanied by a support person, guide dog, or service dog; designing washrooms that consider the acoustics of the environment, such as having loud toilet flushes or hand dryers that can be overly stimulating to some people;designing and building washrooms that reduce barriers to people with cognitive disabilities by maintaining the consistency of washroom placement, features, and signage throughout a building; using signage for accessible washrooms that includes a high colour contrast as well as tactile and braille; having universal washrooms that: are gender-neutral; have an independent entrance; are equipped with a change table that can accommodate an adult and a ceiling lift system; and have all other required accessibility features.Providing water fountains that: are recessed where possible to avoid obstructing a path of travel; have sufficient clear floor area and enough knee and toe clearance for a user of a wheelchair to access the fountain; have controls that are easy to use; and have a spout height with water flow at an angle that allows all users to use the drinking fountain or bottle filling station. Following the information found in ASC-2.3: Model Standard for the Built Environment - Accessibility for federally regulated entities as defined in the Accessible Canada Act Public Review Draft. Specifically, Clause 7 on sanitary facilities.
8.5 Signage
Accessible signage is essential to communicate crucial information throughout the travel journey. To meet this guidance, start by: Placing signage at all major decision-making points in the path of travel. For example, major decision-making points include, but are not limited to: main corridors; passageways; stairs; doors; elevators;washrooms;emergency exits; and departure and arrival areas.Placing signage high enough to not impede a path of travel and for a wheelchair user to see the signage above the heads of standing people with a suggested height of 2,030mm+/- 25 mm.Using high contrasting colours for letters and numbers with at least a width-to-height ratio between 3:5 and 1:1 and a stroke-width-to-height ratio between 1:5 and 1:10.Including tactile signage for regulatory signs, where possible, warning signs and identification signs. Letters numbers and pictographs should be: raised at least 0.8 mm;be between 16 mm and 50 mm high;if a tactile sign is positioned in the wall, it should be placed at a suggested height of 1,500 mm+/- 25 mm above the floor; andusing Grade One Braille at the bottom of a sign for signs with 10 words or less and using Grade Two Braille for signs with 10 words or more. Following the information on signage in ASC-2.3: Model Standard for the Built Environment - Accessibility for federally regulated entities as defined in the Accessible Canada Act Public Review Draft. Specifically, follow Clause 6.3 and subclauses on signs and wayfinding.
8.6 Operable parts
Operable parts may be located at various stages of a travel journey for a traveller to use, particularly at doors, elevators and lifts. Examples of operable parts include, but are not limited to: light switches; automatic door buttons; door handles; and alarm pulls. Operable parts should be accessible for all individuals to use. To meet this guidance, start by: Using operable parts that are: automatic or operable with one hand in a closed fist position with minimal force; operable without the need to tighten one’s grasp or twist one’s wrist;easy to use without specialized knowledge; and have high contrasting colours, as well as have tactile or auditory information response mechanisms. Following the information on operable parts in ASC-2.3: Model Standard for the Built Environment - Accessibility for federally regulated entities as defined in the Accessible Canada Act Public Review Draft. Specifically, Clause 4.7 and sub-clauses on operable parts.
8.7 Seating and furniture
Many people require or benefit from seating availability during a travel journey, but their exact needs for furnishings may vary. To meet this guidance, start by: Providing different types of seating options. For example, provide seating: with or without backrests; with or without armrests; and seating with different widths and heights. Providing different types of desks, counters and table options. For example, provide desks, counters and tables with different heights, depths and displays. Providing seating areas that are conducive to wheeled mobility devices. For example, providing space for wheeled mobility devices in a way that does not impede other paths of travel. Giving consideration to travellers: using wheelchairs; with luggage;travelling with support persons; travelling with guide dogs or service dogs; and travelling with other people in their group (a person with a disability should not have to be seated separately from their group that they are travelling with). Following the guidance of ISO 21902:2021- Tourism and related Services - Accessible tourism for all - Requirements and recommendations, specifically Clause 4.5.20 on furnishings.
8.8 Self-service machines
Self-service machines include machines such as: ticket and boarding pass machines; automated banking machines (ABM) (also commonly referred to as automated teller machines or ATM); parking meter machines; andvending machines. These machines should be accessible for all travellers. To meet this guidance, start by: having machines that are clear and simple to operate; having operation instructions that are available visually, auditorily, and tactilely;where possible, having screens that allow travellers to enlarge text; providing clear floor space for the traveller using the device while taking into account: the potential presence of a support person; the potential presence of a guide dog or service dog; wheelchair size (for example, considering the space required for a user of a powered-wheelchair vs a manual wheelchair); and the use of luggage; and the potential presence of a support person; and the potential presence of a guide dog or service dog; the potential for machines to be used or surrounded by large groups of travellers; andhaving machines with minimal reach ranges so that all features are within reach of a person who is seated. Following the information on self-service machines in CSA/ASC B651.2:22, Accessible design for self-service interactive devices including automated banking machines.
8.9 Stairs and handrails
Stairs are a technically complex design element. It is important to consider accessibility for people with disabilities who may use stairs. Stairs and handrails should be accessible to allow travellers to access travel areas in a safe manner. To meet this guidance, start by:Using landings that are long enough and wide enough to allow people with disabilities to pass through the landing while taking into consideration: the use of luggage; the potential presence of support persons; the potential use of guide dogs or service dogs; and the potential for a large crowd of travellers. Including tactile surface indicators at the top of each flight of stairs. Having handrails that are: mounted on both sides of a flight of stairs;designed to provide stability and guidance for users; and include braille information regarding storey number and the nearest egress location. Following the information in ASC-2.3: Model Standard for the Built Environment - Accessibility for federally regulated entities as defined in the Accessible Canada Act Public Review Draft. Specifically, follow Clause 5.6 and subclauses on stairways.
8.10 Elevators
Elevators are essential for accessing travel areas in a safe manner. To meet this guidance, start by: where possible, providing a minimum of two elevators at any given location; having one elevator that is large enough to accommodate a stretcher and is clearly identifiable; having elevator control panels that are easily identifiable and align with the principles of operable parts outlined in 8.6 of this technical guide;having numbers that are displayed in raised character numerals and in braille, located in the door jambs and hoist way entrances of the elevator; and following the information on elevators in ASME A17.1-2022/CSA B44 : Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators.
8.11 Lift platforms
Lift platforms may be used when it is not possible to install an elevator or ramp. To meet this guidance, start by: having a lift platform that can be used independently, with all control panels within reach of a person who is seated; ensuring that the lift platform can accommodate a person with a disability as well as their support person or guide dog or service dog; ensuring that the lift platform can accommodate all sizes of wheelchairs; andfollowing the information on lifting platforms in ASME A17.1-2022/CSA B44 : Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators.
8.12 Escalators and moving walkways
Escalators and moving walkways can be a useful tool for facilitating pedestrian traffic in high-density areas. Escalators and moving walkways should be made accessible for the widest range of users. It is important to note that even with improved accessibility, some users may not be able to use an escalator safely and alternatives should be available. To meet this guidance, start by: having safety warnings installed at the top and bottom of escalators and moving walkway; having inclined moving walkways that are designed with the same parameters as ramps; and following the information on escalators and moving walkways in ASME A17.1-2022/CSA B44 : Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators.
8.13 Maintenance
Regular maintenance should be carried out to maintain the accessibility of facilities. To meet this guidance, start by: maintaining the following built environment elements, including but not limited to: external paths of travel, such as ensuring they are clear of snow or other obstructions;parking lots and accessible parking spots;doors and entrance/exit ways;internal paths of travel, ensuring they are clear of obstructions or obstacles (for example obstructions such as chairs, planters, bins, debris);floor surfaces, ensuring good order without trip or slip hazards;washrooms and sanitary facilities; furniture;ventilation systems;lighting;signage; andcommunication methods, including relevant auditory communication systems (for example, public announcement systems).
8.14 Evacuations
Exact evacuation designs and facilities will differ depending on the location, type of building, or type of transportation vehicle used in travel. However, basic steps should be followed to ensure that all travellers can safely evacuate in an emergency. To meet this guidance, start by:communicating in accessible formats so that all travellers are notified that there is an emergency; providing accessible wayfinding so that everyone can locate the nearest and most accessible exit; and, ensuring that egress routes are accessible so everyone can evacuate an area.To meet this guidance, start by: Providing alarms and any associated information in a way that is accessible to all, including: having audible and visual alarms; and if a screen area is available, displaying emergency measures with captions and in sign language.Providing accessible evacuation routes to allow travellers to exit independently or arrive at an area of refuge. Clearly identifying accessible evacuation routes by using the international symbol of access.Ensuring that travellers are able to quickly orient themselves to locate the nearest accessible evacuation route. Providing assistance from trained employees who should be available quickly for travellers that require assistance in evacuating. These staff members should be very easily identifiable to travellers (for example, wearing a bright coloured vest). Training employees on how to assist people with disabilities in an emergency situation, as well as on all emergency egress procedures and disaster preparedness plans.Following the guidance in ASC-2.3: Model Standard for the Built Environment - Accessibility for federally regulated entities as defined in the Accessible Canada Act Public Review Draft. Specifically, following Clause 3.6 and sub-clauses on evacuation facilities and Clause 8 on evacuation facilities.