Annual Public Meeting 2023 - From words to action: Moving together for a Canada without barriers

Annual public meeting 2023 banner.

For more information

On June 1, 2023, Canadians joined us online for our third annual public meeting. They heard from our Board of Directors, got inspired during a panel discussion with members of our technical committees, and found out how to get involved in our work.

This year's theme was "From words to action: Moving together for a Canada without barriers". This means taking steps that have real impacts. It means walking the walk, and actually doing what we've set out to do: create standards that remove barriers for all Canadians.

  • It means making sure people with disabilities are part of the solution.
  • It means consulting Canadians that will be impacted by our standards, and listening.
  • It means acknowledging and embracing the diversity within the disability community.
  • It means identifying obstacles and finding real, modern solutions to prevent them.

In 2022, we did that. Our work started to take shape. Our technical committees have achieved so much. Our standards are becoming real. In fact, we shared our first standard for public review last year, with so many more to follow.

As we continue to move together for a Canada without barriers, your participation, expertise and lived experience continue to be essential!

Video recording

If you missed our event or would like to watch it again, the recording of our 2023 Annual Public Meeting is available below. To watch it, click play on the video below. For the French recording, click here.

Video recording of the 2023 Annual Public Meeting. Includes captions and American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation.


Time (EST)


1:00 p.m.

Opening remarks and land acknowledgment (Océanne Comtois, emcee)

1:10 p.m.

Moving Together: Our Accomplishments (Paul-Claude Bérubé, Chairperson, and Philip Rizcallah, Chief Executive Officer)

1:20 p.m.

Panel Discussion: How Technical Committees Work

Moderator: Océanne Comtois


  • Betty Dion, Chair, 
    Technical Committee on Emergency Egress (Exit)
  • Carrie Anton, Chair, 
    Technical committee for a model standard for the built environment - accessibility for federally regulated entities as defined in the Accessible Canada Act
  • Dr. Mahadeo Sukhai, Chair, 
    Technical Committee on Employment

2:00 p.m.

How you can get involved in our work (Kory Earle, Director, Accessibility Standards Canada)

2:10 p.m.

Closing remarks (Océanne Comtois)

2:15 p.m.

Meeting ends

Download Word version of the agenda


The event featured presentations from staff, Board members, and guest speakers. The accessible documents below were used during these presentations. Download them below.

Standards development process (Word document)

Download English version

Download French version

Guest speakers

This year’s panel discussion featured the Chairs of three technical committees. They spoke to their experience in leading the development of new accessibility standards. They answered questions like: Who sits on the committees? How does technical expertise and lived experience inform the work of the committee? Why does it take so long to create a new standard?